Malware scanning **************** Certain CI builds can be configured with ClamAV integration, so that builds have a basic malware scan performed on their output files. This is not yet very generalized (it currently only works for builds in the private ``soss`` distribution), and should not be expected to be robust. To enable this in a local Launchpad installation, set this in ``launchpad-lazr.conf`` (or otherwise arrange for ``"scan_malware": true`` to be included in the arguments dispatched to the builder):: [cibuild.soss] scan_malware: True ```` rate-limits clients. To avoid this, and generally to be good citizens, we maintain a `private mirror `_ of the ClamAV database. This is organized using the `clamav-database-mirror `_ charm, deployed via the `vbuilder `_ Mojo spec (Canonical-internal); on production, this is exposed to builders as ``clamav-database-mirror.lp.internal``. `launchpad-buildd-image-modifier `_ is configured to pass a suitable local URL on to ``launchpad-buildd``, but you can also do this in a local installation by adding something like the following to ``/etc/launchpad-buildd/default``:: [proxy] clamavdatabase = http://clamav-database-mirror.test/